1. Builds Trust and Credibility

Consistency in branding across channels eliminates confusion, building trust. Being regularly visible also keeps us top of minds when clients are ready to act.

2. Engages Customers

Regular provision of valuable content and tips keeps our audience connected, priming them to choose us when they need a little bit more.

3. Higher Conversion Rates

The trust and engagement we build through consistency increase the likelihood of higher conversions, potentially at a lower cost.

4. Improves SEO

Regular activity and expansion of our digital footprint signal relevance to search engines, boosting our SEO.

5. Better Data Analysis

Consistent marketing actions provide reliable data for effective analysis, guiding data-driven decisions and optimization of marketing spend. This way, you know your dollars are going toward what works!

Marketing isn’t necessarily something that should have an “on” and “off” switch, especially in the digital space. Yes, there are times for launches and special events.

But in the background, we should always have ongoing marketing processes chugging along to ensure we have consistent growth and a consistent number of new members or clients coming into our business. In turn, this can help us expand and reach our goals, as well as balance out churn.

The power of consistency goes beyond just the operational aspect of our business. It’s the bedrock of trust and credibility.

When our branding and messaging remain consistent across all channels, it resonates with customers and eliminates confusion. Plus, staying top-of-mind through regular marketing initiatives means we’re the first they think of when they’re ready to take action.

Marketing isn’t necessarily something that should have an “on” and “off” switch, especially in the digital space. Yes, there are times for launches and special events. But in the background, we should always have ongoing marketing processes chugging along to ensure we have consistent growth and a consistent number of new members or clients coming into our business. In turn, this can help us expand and reach our goals, as well as balance out churn.

Not convinced? Here are a few other reasons why consistency is the secret sauce for digital marketing success!

#1. Builds Trust and Credibility

When customers see consistent messaging and branding across different marketing channels, it builds trust. If your branding and messaging are inconsistent, it can create confusion and lead to mistrust.


Consistency is also required to build trust through mere exposure. If we aren’t placing ourselves at our potential client’s top of mind through our continual marketing efforts, we aren’t on their radar when they decide they need to get their health and wellness on track. They also don’t know us, which may lead them to choose different providers or facilities.

#2. Engages With Customers

When we provide valuable content or tips regularly, our potential or previous customers will keep coming back to us. They might follow us on social media, subscribe to our email list, or regularly check our blog page for more information. Then, when they decide they need a little more help, they’ll (hopefully) choose us!

#3. Higher Conversion Rates

When we build trust and engage our customers, again, it’s more likely that they’ll choose us. We’ll experience higher conversion rates and even potentially acquire our customers at a lower cost, making it a win-win.

#4. Improves SEO

Letting the search engines know we are currently active and continually expanding our digital footprint can improve our overall SEO and potentially our organic search engine client intake.

#5. Contributes to Better Data Analysis (And Results!)

Consistent marketing activities allow for more reliable data and trend analysis. This makes it easier to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, identify opportunities for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. As a result, you may be able to optimize better your ad spend or marketing dollars, putting it toward what’s working rather than what’s not.

A smaller personal marketing agency guarantees you get the attention you deserve. In contrast, a bigger agency might mean you get forgotten about in the chaos of hundreds of clients.

As we all know, AI is making a big splash on the scene. However, human connection is always going to pull out first. As humans, we need this connection to feel happy and satisfied, as well as have our innate needs met. So, let’s dig a little deeper. Why should you choose a small, personal agency over a bigger one?

Benefit #1: Flexibility

Bigger marketing agencies are forced to streamline their processes and deliverables. This is because they are serving many clients, and if they were to customize their deliverables for each one, this could turn into more work (and less profit for them) than what is worthwhile.

Smaller, more boutique-style agencies, on the other hand, offer more flexibility. They can work with you to determine a unique plan of action that makes sense for your specific fitness or gym business.

Benefit #2: Customization

Again, you’re probably going to get the regular ol’ cookie-cutter plan that everyone else has with a bigger company. However, when working one-on-one with a smaller agency, you get a customized approach that makes sense for your marketing, location, and goals.

Benefit #3: Availability & Attention

With a bigger agency, you might struggle to get a hold of someone or even get a reply back to your email. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of many other clients!

Luckily, with a small agency, you get 24-7 attention and greater availability if you ever need a call or a quick question answered. We also all know business is about building relationships, which you’re actually able to do when partnering with a smaller agency. You’ll always talk to the same person and receive a personalized touch!

Benefit #4: Real Results

A small company takes the time to listen to your needs and desires. In turn, you get fresh ideas and not a cookie-cutter approach. Your voice is heard, and real results are gained from this collaborative effort.


  1. Corporate VIP Night
  2. Free Personal Training Day
  3. Free Guest Day
  4. Family Day
  5. Grand Opening Day

Then, Grand Opening Day marks the big event!

Start with a ribbon cutting by your local Mayor, and make sure to include:

Many of us think we need a huge advertising budget to have a successful grand opening. Yet, this isn’t always the case!

With over 200 grand openings and pre-sales behind me, I discovered that it all comes down to the camaraderie that is built within the club’s staff and member community. If the staff is motivated and excited about the upcoming grand opening, this spills over into member motivation and excitement. This can inspire members to bring along their friends and family, which can further member sales and build that community.

So, with that in mind, here are my top takeaways that I’ve learned over the years:

  1. Plan your Sneak Peek Party two to three weeks before the Grand Opening Party.
  2. Create a digital plan to promote a sponsor of a new member referral program.
  3. Start a countdown to the Grand Opening Party 10 days out to create awareness and excitement (10 more days, 9 more days, 8 more days, etc.) to use on social media and email/website blasts.
  4. Offer Free Guest Days for the first opening month.
  5. Engage the community with grassroots marketing pieces using various vehicles.
  6. Provide digital offers for first-time guests.
  7. Offer founding member specials right up until the Grand Opening, then raise your prices in phases.
  8. Invite corporate partners and local business owners developed through grassroots efforts.
  9. Provide swag to attendees to continue to establish your brand in the market.
  10. Make it fun! Consider a live DJ (DJ can help to co-promote via their own channels), decorations, a photo booth, a prize drawing, samples, demo classes, and fitness challenges!

Have you done these for your grand opening week? Will you?

If you want help with leveraging member sales and retention, get in touch with me today!

Many of us think we need a huge advertising budget to have a successful grand opening. Yet, this isn’t always the case!

With over 200 grand openings and pre-sales behind me, I discovered that it all comes down to the camaraderie that is built within the club’s staff and member community. If the staff is motivated and excited about the upcoming grand opening, this spills over into member motivation and excitement. This can inspire members to bring along their friends and family, which can further member sales and build that community.

Inevitably, my success with grand openings and pre-sales came after making a few mistakes. A few times, I exhausted a large portion of the advertising budget for a big grand opening party too soon and right after the soft opening. I went all out with the glamor of famous athletes, red carpets, and even Cirque du Soleil shows.

Unfortunately, the flashiness of it all didn’t translate over into an outstanding turnout. The number of people who showed up was moderate, with guests primarily interested in the event itself rather than signing up for the fitness club.

But with great pitfalls come great lessons. As I said above, building a community is key to increasing member engagement and increasing referrals. So, with that in mind, here are my takeaways for successful grand openings and events.

10 Key Tips for Successful Grand Openings

Let’s first lay the groundwork. Here are my top takeaways that I’ve learned over the years:

  1. Plan your Sneak Peek Party two to three weeks before the Grand Opening Party.
  2. Create a digital plan to promote a sponsor of a new member referral program.
  3. Start a countdown to the Grand Opening Party 10 days out to create awareness and excitement (10 more days, 9 more days, 8 more days, etc.) to use on social media and email/website blasts.
  4. Offer Free Guest Days for the first opening month.
  5. Engage the community with grassroots marketing pieces using various vehicles.
  6. Provide digital offers for first-time guests.
  7. Offer founding member specials right up until the Grand Opening, then raise your prices in phases.
  8. Invite corporate partners and local business owners developed through grassroots efforts.
  9. Provide swag to attendees to continue to establish your brand in the market.
  10. Make it fun! Consider a live DJ (DJ can help to co-promote via their own channels), decorations, a photo booth, a prize drawing, samples, demo classes, and fitness challenges!

Planning Your Grand Opening Week & Day

So, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it all. What should your grand opening week involve?

  1. Corporate VIP Night
  2. Free Personal Training Day
  3. Free Guest Day
  4. Family Day
  5. Grand Opening Day

Grand Opening Day marks the big event!

Start with a ribbon cutting by your local Mayor, and make sure to include:

What are you missing from your grand opening? What will you use from the above tips and lessons?

I’ve been in the trenches of the fitness industry. From focusing on marketing, but also sales and operations, to building executive-level systems, I pride myself on being a leader in marketing for large chains and small studios. Throughout the last three to four decades, I’ve also come to realize the importance and necessity of collaborating with sales and fitness teams to create marketing that truly produces results.

This often means not just including the owners and decision-makers in marketing meetings, but also including key sales team members.

The relationship with the sales team is vital to create the best marketing outcomes since they are the ones who have the relationships with members and potential clients. It’s all about closing that loop and making sure the strategy makes sense in all corners.

If we don’t do this, we might find we have some misalignments between marketing and sales, which not only confuses potential members but also isn’t as effective.

Have you considered this before? How do you encourage a collaborative approach between marketing and sales in your fitness business?

With my many years in fitness marketing, I have a number of great step-by-step tool kits such as pre-sale, grand opening, operations, and sales manuals. I’ve also helped start up other international groups of clubs.

With over three decades in this industry and propelling many fitness giants forward to what they are today, I get the systems needed to create a successful fitness business. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel (Plus, this can be super hard and stressful to do!).

Successful systems have already been created, tried, and proven. We just need to implement them in your fitness business.

If you’re ready to do that, reach out to me today. At Stacy Justin Advertising, we are a marketing agency in the fitness and wellness space that focuses on results-driven marketing strategies that drive member experience and brand relevancy. I offer Free Marketing Consultations, so we can better understand how we can work together and ultimately, reach your business goals.


Getting your marketing and advertising dialed in is essential for any fitness business. You need to have a plan for obtaining new clients—and keeping them. Yet, the thing about the fitness industry is that there are many important considerations when it comes to marketing, like focusing on your local community by sharing member experiences, creating an enticing referral program, and finding and keeping staff who are committed to changing lives.

The good news is that hiring an advertising and marketing expert who knows the intricate workings of the fitness industry can propel your company forward toward where you want to be. It can also avoid the pitfalls that come with doing the “wrong” things and draw on their experience, helping you thwart mistakes they may have already made—and helping you work within the somewhat tight margins within the fitness industry.

You can probably guess where this is all going; Yes, I am encouraging you to hire someone, like our agency, for your fitness business as opposed to a generic marketing agency. And I’ve got a handful of more reasons why!

I Speak the Language

I literally live and breathe the fitness lifestyle. From staying active in my personal life to working alongside some of the biggest fitness giants, I already know the backend of what’s going on and how to optimize it.

You and your team don’t need to worry about breaking your business down for the marketing consultant or worry about having tons of calls to figure that side of things out, before moving forward with a plan. Simply put (and not to toot my own horn), I have over 35 years of experience in the fitness industry—meaning I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk. I have vast experience and knowledge that I can bring to the table.

I Know It Takes a Collaborative Approach

As I previously mentioned above, I’ve been in the trenches of the fitness industry. From focusing on marketing, but also sales and operations, to building executive-level systems, I pride myself on being a leader in marketing for large chains and small studios. Throughout the last three to four decades, I’ve also come to realize the importance and necessity of collaborating with sales and fitness teams to create marketing that truly produces results.

This often means not just including the owners and decision-makers in marketing meetings, but also including key sales team members. The relationship with the sales team is vital to create the best marketing outcomes since they are the ones who have the relationships with members and potential clients. It’s all about closing that loop and making sure the strategy makes sense in all corners.

I’ve Got Systems for Fitness Businesses Ready-to-Go!

Not only do I speak the language, but with my many years in fitness marketing, I have a number of great step-by-step tool kits such as pre-sale, grand opening, operations, and sales manuals. I’ve also helped start up other international groups of clubs, creating structure in marketing, purchasing, equipment ordering, and layout systems.

So, what does this all mean? Well, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Successful systems have already been created, tried, and proven. We just need to implement them in your fitness business.

If you’re ready to do that, reach out to me today. At Stacy Justin Advertising, we are a marketing agency in the fitness and wellness space that focuses on results-driven marketing strategies that drive member experience and brand relevancy. I offer Free Marketing Consultations, so we can better understand how we can work together and ultimately, reach your business goals.